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TikTok OSINT: targeted user investigation

TikTok OSINT: targeted user investigation (Part 1/3: User)

You get a new case to investigate, a young user: no Facebook, no Twitter. Just TikTok.
** updated on May, 1st 2020 for extended information collection with videos**
Part 2 / Part 3

TikTok was the second most downloaded app in 2019. 800 millions of people worldwide use the “[…] Chinese video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance, a Beijing-based company founded in 2012 by Zhang Yiming”. I don’t get why and that’s one of the many reasons I realize I am getting old. Whatever.


TikTok was designed as a mobile app so forget about going computer/browser only. In addition to your favorite browser, you will need a way to run the app, be it on your investigative smartphone or using an android emulator.

For this setup, I would add a way for you to easily grab screenshots on your smartphone/emulator. For me, it’s scrcpy and an old Samsung A3.

Then, you should create a proxy on a computer connected to the same network as your smartphone. I will use Fiddler as a proxy and I described my setup in a previous article.

I will not show you any trivial tips like installing TikTok or searching for your target using the magnifying glass.


Just before diving in, I want to touch on operations security. The requests made by the app to the server have the form of a looong URL:

As you can see in the parameters I have highlighted, the app gives away a lot of information on the user, its location, every detail on the device being used, even the MCC (Mobile Country Code) and the MNC (Mobile Network Code) which are correct, you can trust me.

This should not really come as a surprise but be aware that apps in general are real OPSEC nightmares. You have to protect a lot more than your IP address when you are using a device that also uses GPS and Cellular towers to get a position, especially if giving away these information may compromise your security or your investigation.

Target acquired

My target’s name is “dr cannabis”. My only task in this investigation is to search for this user on TikTok so I will not show you how I would also sherlock it.

Fiddler and scrcpy are on. Let’s start. Launch the app, hit discover and enter the username or the full name or whatever information you are looking for. The search returns a lot of hits but I’m interested in the first one, @user3k25jojtkg. A banner briefly appears, telling me the account was banned. On your proxy, look for an URL containing /aweme/v1/user/profile/other/?

Launching a browser and pointing it to gives you a web overview of the profile. Notice that you don’t get any banner or alert about this profile being banned on the web version.


First I want to gather unique identifiers for this specific profile. From what I see on the web overview, its source and from the app screen and the intercepted JSON file, a TikTok user has 3 identifiers:

  1. source: uniqueID / JSON: unique_id = user3k25jojtkg
  2. source: nickName / JSON: nickname = Dr. Cannabis
  3. source: userId / JSON: uid = 6812758758319391749

There are five more identifiers that you will only find in the JSON response when you open the profile in the app:

  1. JSON : youtube_channel_id & youtube_channel_title = blank
  2. JSON : twitter_id & twitter_name = blank
  3. JSON: ins_id=justgrowcannabis
    Tests show that this identifier is the Instagram account linked with the TikTok account (

Profile images

You cannot view a large version of the profile picture on the web version or the app. But again, turning to the source of the page will reveal the URLs for the actual picture. A quick and dirty way to do it is to copy the whole source text and run it through CyberChef and bake it with the “Extract URLs” recipe.

From the “Dr. Cannabis” web page source, I get 77 URLs back from which I extract 2 uniquely identified addresses to JPEG files:

Using the same technique on the JSON reponse gives less URLs more images:

Notice that there’s a *_1080x1080.jpeg image available, a better resolution than the one available in the source page. Actually, you can just grab the 720x720 URL and change the last part from 720x720.jpeg to 1080x1080.jpeg for the same result.

But there might be another big difference in the profile picture. In my last article, I showed the difference between the web page and the app profile for “lorengray”:

“Loren Gray” TikTok profile: web (right) vs app (left)

The app profile has a “video icon” and you can find the URL in the JSON response:

We can directly view this video icon by just going to the URL in a browser

I tried to find a way to deduce the URL for the video icon from the image URL but I still haven’t found it.


Extended information

The profile includes a field that is called signature in the source or the JSON response. The value for this field on the “Dr. Cannabis” account is: “No bio yet”. From what I saw on other profiles this is not the default value for someone who doesn’t define his bio.

The JSON adds a signature_language that could be interesting. For the target account we get the following value: signature_language=en

The JSON response contains two objects that seem related to a birthdate:


For many profiles I visited (target’s included), the birthday object equals to 1900–01–01.

The gender object is present in the JSON response only.

There are several objects in the JSON response that may indicate a location:


I have scrolled through dozens of accounts and I am yet to find any data in these objects.

“Toast” status
When I opened the target’s profile on the app, I briefly saw a banner stating that this account was banned. This parameters appears in the general_permission object in the profile JSON response.

For “Dr. Cannabis”, the values are the following:

This object is not present when the profile is not banned.

The profile shows some basic information like the number of accounts the target follows and the number of followers he has . If you need the exact number of followers/following, you will have to dig it up from the source of the page or the JSON response. For the JSON, look for /aweme/v1/user/following/list/? and/or /aweme/v1/user/follower/list/?

Following: source followingCount / JSON following_count
Followers: source 
followerCount / JSON follower_count

You will also get the number of likes but again, the exact number has to be extracted from source or JSON.

source: heartCount / JSON: total_favorited

Note that if you use the web view, you cannot access the list of followers/following, you have to use the app. Exporting the list of users following or being followed will require you to get the JSON responses. The number of users returned in one JSON response is 20:

No, I am not good enough to get more users in one response by manipulating the URL!

Exporting the users comes with a price: you will have to scroll through multiple screens (23661/20=1183.05 !!!!!!) and export all the JSON responses. Then you just have to parse them for the users information.

The good thing is that the JSON format for each user is a very good summary of every information available. And actually, you get more information than when you open the profile of a user!

You will easily find the relevant identifiers (uidnickname ,unique_id and signature) in this new JSON response. Exporting the profiles to a more readable format (*.csv, *.xlsx) is easy, you will find plenty of tools to do that. It’s a more or less easy way of exporting the following/followers of an account.

The extra information contained in the follower/following description is worth its own category:

Extended information
There are 110 objects in the JSON response for the following request which is 15 more than in the profile JSON Response. Combined we get a total of a 165 unique objects we can use to collect information about our target. So I strongly suggest that after checking the profile of your target, you also find a user he is following. Open this profile and find its followers. Scroll through the followers until you find your target to get his profile as a follower.

Here are some extended information about “Dr. Cannabis” account:


The language is obviously english. From what I saw in other profiles, the region’s value is the ISO 3166–1 alpha-2 country code. Here it is Canada. I had a lot of hope when I saw the unique_id_modify_time object. Sadly, the value was the same for all the accounts I checked.

The JSON response contains more promising objects that had negative values (or no values) for “Dr. Cannabis”:

There’s a another object in this response that was equal to zero in “Dr Cannabis” account but that contained a UNIX Timestamp in other accounts:

This UNIX Timestamp (converted with CyberChef or your favorite converter) returned dates and times that made sense but I could not find which one!

To summarize, to create a full profile for your target, you have to obtain the web page and its source, the app account and its JSON and the follower/following profile JSON. An alternative technique is to get information about the videos your target posted. In the JSON files describing the posts, you will also get the extended information you want to collect (see my articles on videos and on a script to facilitate the collection)

This article is still a work in progress but I will stop attacking the same JSON files here. In the second part, I try to analyze the posts and related elements.

Stay safe and happy proxying!


List of Objects collected in JSON responses

GET /aweme/v1/user/profile/other/?

GET /aweme/v1/user/following/list/?
GET /aweme/v1/user/follower/list/?

OSINT guy, kayaker, rower, not the smartest person in the room…



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