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 Here are some tools and APIs we’ve found useful over the years. Each item in the list has a link to the tool itself and the Intrigue task (if it exists).
If a task doesn’t exist, feel free to submit a pull request!  (in alphabetical order…)  ARIN RWS: Web service for ARIN Whois data. API, TASK Bing: Largest search engine with an actual API. API, TASK BuiltWith: Web technology information profiler. API, TASK CarrierLookup: Find the carrier for a given phone number. API, TASK Censys: Searchable web interface and API for the data. API, TASK Formerly called Jigsaw. API, TASK FullContact: Database of organizations and people. API, TASK Github: It’s Github. Data on users, software, vulnerabilities. API, TASK Search hashed data (usually, passwords). API, TASK Have I Been Pwned: Check for credential exposure by email address. API, TASK MailboxLayer: API for checking email deliverability. API, TASK MIT PGP Keyserver: Largest open PGP keyserver. API, TASK OpenCorporates: Largest open database of organizations. API, TASK Phishtank: Provide information on phishing sites. API, TASK Project Honeypot: A web-based honeypot network. API, TASK RIPE API: RESTful web service for RIPE Whois data. API, TASK Shodan: Database for host and system information. API, TASK SSLLabs: Scanning of SSL configurations. API, TASK Towerdata: API for people data. Formerly called Rapleaf.  API, TASK Whoisology: Historic domain name ownership records. API, TASK



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