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⚒️Here are powerful hacking tools that hackers uses
1. Nmap 🛡️: Network scanner for discovering hosts and services on a network.
2. Metasploit 🛠️: Exploitation framework for developing and executing exploits.
3. Wireshark 📶: Open-source packet analyzer for network troubleshooting and security analysis.
4. John the Ripper 🔓: Password cracking tool for brute force and dictionary attacks.
5. Burp Suite 🐞: Integrated platform for web application security testing and analysis.
6. Aircrack-ng 📡: Suite of wireless network security tools for monitoring and attacking Wi-Fi networks.
7. SQLMap 🗺️: Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.
8. Hydra 🐍: Password brute-forcing tool supporting various protocols and services.
9. Cain and Abel 🗝️: Password recovery tool for Microsoft Windows.
10. Nikto 🕵️‍♂️: Open-source web server scanner for finding vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
11. THC-Hydra 🐲: Password-cracking tool supporting various protocols and services.
12. Maltego 🎭: Data visualization tool for information gathering and analysis.
13. Ettercap 🕵️‍♂️: Network security tool for man-in-the-middle attacks on LAN.
14. Nessus 🕵️‍♂️: Vulnerability scanner for identifying security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
15. Snort 🐟: Open-source intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS).
16. Social Engineer Toolkit (SET) 🎣: Toolkit for performing social engineering attacks.
17. Netcat 🌐: Swiss army knife tool for network debugging and penetration testing.
18. THC-Hydra 🐲: Password-cracking tool supporting various protocols and services.
19. Maltego 🎭: Data visualization tool for information gathering and analysis.
20. Ettercap 🕵️‍♂️: Network security tool for man-in-the-middle attacks on LAN.
21. Nessus 🕵️‍♂️: Vulnerability scanner for identifying security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
22. Snort 🐟: Open-source intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS).
23. Social Engineer Toolkit (SET) 🎣: Toolkit for performing social engineering attacks.
24. Netcat 🌐: Swiss army knife tool for network debugging and penetration testing.
25. Aircrack-ng 📡: Suite of wireless network security tools for monitoring and attacking Wi-Fi networks.
26. SQLMap 🗺️: Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.
27. Hydra 🐍: Password brute-forcing tool supporting various protocols and services.
28. Cain and Abel 🗝️: Password recovery tool for Microsoft Windows.
29. Nikto 🕵️‍♂️: Open-source web server scanner for finding vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
30. THC-Hydra 🐲: Password-cracking tool supporting various protocols and services.
31. Maltego 🎭: Data visualization tool for information gathering and analysis.
32. Ettercap 🕵️‍♂️: Network security tool for man-in-the-middle attacks on LAN.
33. Nessus 🕵️‍♂️: Vulnerability scanner for identifying security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
34. Snort 🐟: Open-source intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS).
35. Social Engineer Toolkit (SET) 🎣: Toolkit for performing social engineering attacks.
36. Netcat 🌐: Swiss army knife tool for network debugging and penetration testing.
37. John the Ripper 🔓: Password cracking tool for brute force and dictionary attacks.
38. Burp Suite 🐞: Integrated platform for web application security testing and analysis.
39. Aircrack-ng 📡: Suite of wireless network security tools for monitoring and attacking Wi-Fi networks.
40. SQLMap 🗺️: Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.
41. Hydra 🐍: Password brute-forcing tool supporting various protocols and services.
42. Cain and Abel 🗝️: Password recovery tool for Microsoft Windows.
43. Nikto 🕵️‍♂️: Open-source web server scanner for finding vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
44. THC-Hydra 🐲: Password-cracking tool supporting various protocols and services.
45. Maltego 🎭: Data visualization tool for information gathering and analysis.
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